A Mothering Earth


Have you ever wondered why the organic marketplaces and yoga die hards embrace the name, Mother Earth? As I Christian, I have studied the Bible and found that God’s design was to have Earth nurture us. New mom’s prepare their home and nursery to be able to care for the newborn baby. God did the exact same thing for us, just on a universal scale. Take a look:

Day 1: God created light…He sent His energy/light and divided the darkness. I personally believed that He set the laws of quantum physics into place.

Day 2: God created the sky and atmosphere. We needed moisture and air to breathe.

Day 3: God creates land and plants —giving them seeds and the ability to reproduce. This was our food source.

Day 4: God creates the sun and the moon, and gives us time.

Day 5: God creates all life found in the water.and birds/insects in the air.

Day 6: God creates all life found on the land—animals of every kind.

Day 7: God creates Man!

God had prepared the Garden of Eden to nurture Adam and Eve in every way. They would have the sun for warmth and light, water to drink, plants for food and trees for shelter. Our physical bodies are made from the same elements found in the Earth and we need to eat and be nourished by them. Toxins and GMOs in our environment often block our body from getting the nourishment it really needs. Energy work helps to locate toxins/ parasites so that you can absorb the food that the earth provides. You can also experience the healing energies of herbs, trees and the ocean. More about that in later journals.

In Eden, God was their ultimate source of life. Once God was separated from them due to sin, they instantly begin to die. It is the same with us today. Without reuniting with God, we are spiritually dead. No amount of Eden or “Mother Earth” can save us.

So how can you be reunited with God? It’s simple because He has done all of the work.

  1. Believe that Jesus, God’s son, is the only way to God and heaven. He came to Earth to live a perfect life, was crucified (murdered) and was resurrected on the third day.

  2. Confess that you are imperfect and have made mistakes that will keep you from going to heaven on your own efforts.

  3. Ask Jesus to come into you heart and live…to be your leader and your way into heaven.

Congratulations! If you prayed and believed the statements above, then God is living inside of you now. You are truly alive on every level! If you have further questions about what it means to be a Christian, contact me today!


Using a Pendulum to test for supplements for animals